Saturday, 1 March , 2025

Frederick Franklin

Nestlé may sell its bottled water brands in the US and...

By Franklin Frederick Last week several articles were published in the Swiss, Canadian and US press informing that Nestlé S.A. was considering to sell all...

Switzerland and Cuba: Hypocrisy in a time of epidemics

By Franklin Frederick The coronavirus epidemics already showed us the complete failure of the neoliberal policies worldwide: the tragic situation  in Italy and Spain, in...

The daughter of Zeus or Privatizing mount Olympus – A Play...

By Franklin Frederick Mount Olympus, home of the gods, 10:00 AM and someone knocks on the door. Hera, wife of Zeus, opens the door and see...

L’eau et les nouvelles puissances coloniales. Un conte de plusieurs villes

Par Franklin Frederick Le 14 novembre, le groupe canadien Wellington Water Watchers a organiséla conférence "AllEyeson Nestlé" dans la ville de Guelph, en Ontario, réunissant...

Nestlé: Multinationals as the New Colonial Powers. A tale of Many...

By Franklin Frederick On November 14th the Canadian group Wellington Water Watchers organized the «All Eyes on Nestlé» conference in the city of Guelph, Ontario,...

L’aide Suisse au développement, Nestlé et la privatisation de l’Eau

Par Franklin Frederick Sept. 3, 2019 En février dernier, le Gouvernement de la Suisseannonçait la création d'une fondation à Genève (, nommée « Geneva Science and DiplomacyAnticipator » (GSDA)....

Swiss Development Aid, Nestlé and Water Privatization

By Franklin Frederick Last February, the Government of Switzerland announced the creation of a Foundation in Geneva (, under the name ‘Geneva Science and Diplomacy...