After Iraq, British parliamentarians discover Libya – how Cameron and Sarkozy...
The inquiry, which took evidence from key figures including Lord Hague, Dr Liam Fox, former Prime Minister Tony Blair, military chiefs and academics, concludes that decisions were not based on accurate intelligence. In particular, the Government failed to identify that the threat to civilians was overstated and that the rebels included a significant Islamist element.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon : Son régime, Sa famille, Macron…il dit tout
Par Candice Nedelec
Alimentation équilibrée, sommeil régulé… Jean-Luc Mélenchon est déjà tendu vers l’élection présidentielle. Il nous livre les secrets de sa préparation à ce nouveau...
De l’ antisémitisme a l’ islamophobie
ertains s’indignent que l’on ose comparer les attaques dont les musulmans sont aujourd’hui l’objet à l’antisémitisme d’autrefois. Il ne s’agit bien évidemment pas de la Shoah, auquel cas le parallèle serait effectivement scandaleux. Mais le discours islamophobe qui gagne chaque jour un plus de terrain ressemble en tous points aux théories antisémites qui
Hundreds of thousands march in new protest against French labour law
Yesterday, thousands of workers and youths marched and protested across France against the Socialist Party's (PS’s) reactionary labour law. Even though the trade unions themselves stopped all strike action against the legislation during July and August, at which point the PS had it formally adopted, there is still deep popular opposition. In spring, polls found that over
Oubliez Finance et Empire. Allez a la guerre contre l’ Islam.
Zemmour Djihadiste ! : “L’islam est incompatible avec la France” – le naufrage médiatique d’une Société où se répand le “racisme anti-arabes”
(Article Mis à...
Construire un pont entre l’islam et la République
L'islam de France m'a toujours paru être une grande cause nationale. Avec 4,1 millions de fidèles, selon l'Institut national d'études démographiques (INED), il constitue la deuxième religion de France. Certes, tous les immigrés d'origine maghrébine, africaine ou turque, et pour la plupart de nationalité française, ne sont pas musulmans, mais ils le sont
French Bashing (comme … Greek Bashing!)
Les étrangers nous expliquent pourquoi ils detestent les français - documentaire en français
The TTIP is Dead
Negotiations started in 2013. Aafter 14 ‘rounds’ of talks dealing with 27 points, no agreement has been reached, none whatsoever, leading to the conclusion that the deal is dead. Even though Mme. Merkel defended the treaty with all her heart up to the end of July 2016, both Germany and France now request a definite end to the negotiations.
Marine Le Pen pledges Frexit referendum
The leader of France's far-right National Front set the tone for her campaign for the French presidency, calling to fight an Islamist "offensive" and promising to hold a nationwide referendum on European Union membership if she is elected next spring.
Samir Amin: How to Defeat the Collective Imperialism of the Triad
I can sum my point of view on the situation over the modern economy in the following way. We have been in a long systemic crisis of capitalism, which has started in 1975 with the end of the convertibility of the Dollar in gold. It is not a like the famous financial crisis in 2008. No, it is a long systematic crisis of monopoly capitalism which started forty years ago and it