Sunday, 9 March , 2025

Five Stars Movement

Mainstream politicians short-sighted, don’t see world changing – M5S founder Grillo...

6 Jul, 2018 Mainstream political parties have outlived their purpose as they cannot adapt to the changes in the political system and are out of...

A Voice From the Left

If somebody asked me, in 2016, why I still consider myself to be on the Left, then I would undoubtedly start from my thoughts about the historical shift that occurred with the atomic bombings of two Japanese cities on 6th and 9th August 1945. Yet I would be the first to admit that the question of these weapons of mass destruction (and other such weapons) transcends the traditional spectrum of political ideologies, including those of the Left and of the Right.

Referendum in Italy: flares of popular revolt

It is important both because of its content as well as for the symbolic meaning it has assumed. The strokes of the counter reform against the constitution fall very hard. The newly conceived Senate (Upper House), for instance, retains important powers (such as on constitutional questions, in the relations with the EU, about local authorities, the election of the president, etc.), but should no longer be elected. The Senate was thus not abolished, as