Saturday, 1 March , 2025

Five Stars

Volatile Italy

Scandals Aren’t Enough to Stop Salvini By David Broder 08.09.2019 It’s an index of the Left’s impotence that its main hope of stopping Matteo Salvini today lies...

Salvini: The best ally of Netanyahu and the Americans in Europe!

Italy Wants to Be America’s ‘Most Solid’ EU Ally, Salvini Says on Washington Trip By Ivan Dikov 18/06/2019 Matteo Salvini, Italy’s far-right Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister,...

Italy Saves Europe’s Dignity over US Bullying of Venezuela

08.02.2019 It’s comically ironic. France has now recalled its ambassador from Rome in a mounting row over Italy’s alleged “interference” in French internal political affairs....

When Paris and Berlin were threatening Greeks everything was OK. Now...

France recalling ambassador from Rome after Italy's deputy PM meets Yellow Vest leaders 7 Feb, 2019 France has recalled its ambassador from Rome after a meeting...

Paris juge «inacceptable» la rencontre entre Luigi Di Maio et des...

Par  Coline Vazquez 07/02/2019 Le vice-premier ministre italien a rencontré des responsables des «gilets jaunes», à qui il avait déjà affirmé son soutien, mardi en région...

Italie : Révolution « fasciste », ? Offensive du capital ?

Par Danielle Riva L’Italie est un pays, où depuis 1948 et surtout à partir des années 1990 avec la « deuxième république » et l’arrivée de Berlusconi...

Mainstream politicians short-sighted, don’t see world changing – M5S founder Grillo...

6 Jul, 2018 Mainstream political parties have outlived their purpose as they cannot adapt to the changes in the political system and are out of...

COUP D’ÉTAT IN ITALY – Democracy in Italy doesn’t exist!

Luigi di Maio, M5S leader, after the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella's veto (that is unconstitutional!!), explains what is wrong in Italy...

The Italian Experiment

‘Government of change’: Euroskeptic coalition’s choice for Italian PM officially approved 23 May, 2018 Giuseppe Conte has vowed quick reforms after being confirmed as prime minister...