Tuesday, 4 March , 2025

Castro Fidel

Putin, Cuban president unveil monument to Fidel Castro in Moscow

MOSCOW, November 22. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Cuban counterpart Miguel Diaz-Canel unveiled a monument to Fidel Castro in Moscow in a...

From Diego Maradona’s farewell to Fidel Castro (four years ago)

Not everyone can bury a dictatorship and challenge it in the face of the American Empire. Not everyone can eliminate illiteracy in one year....

Bernie Sanders Infuriates Dems by Stating ‘Unfair’ to Say ‘Everything Was...

25.02.2020 The leading Democratic presidential candidate was interviewed on a CBS ‘60 Minutes’ segment that aired late Sunday. The Vermont Senator made some comments about...

La Jornada: El mayor estadista del último medio siglo

La muerte de Fidel Castro ha dado lugar –en algunos grandes medios occidentales– a la difusión de cantidad de infamias contra el comandante cubano. Eso me ha dolido. Sabido es que lo conocí bien. Y he decidido, por tanto, aportar mi testimonio personal. Un intelectual coherente debe denunciar las injusticias. Empezando por las de su propio país.

Global Left paying tribute to Fidel Castro

On Saturday, left-leaning politicians across the world remembered Fidel Castro and citizens paid tribute to one of the revolutionary icons of the 20th century.

Africa and Black America mourn Castro

Today, we say goodbye to one of the biggest patriots of Latin America, and why we lament his death, we evoke his example of humanity, we embrace each other and we continue walking the path of the undefeated leader of the Cuban Revolution and the unity of the peoples against colonialism and imperialism. Fidel definitively enters history with an

Eduardo Galeano on Fidel Castro

His enemies say that he exercised power by talking a lot and listening little, because he was more used to hearing echoes than voices. And in that his enemies are right. But some things his enemies do not say: it was not to pose for the history books that he bared his breast to the invaders’ bullets, he faced hurricanes as an equal, hurricane to hurricane, he survived 637 attempts on his life,

Τhe Cuban Health, Literacy and Solidarity Miracle – Even the Enemy...

Cuba is an impoverished island that remains largely cut off from the world and lies about 4,500 miles from the West African nations where Ebola is spreading at an alarming rate. Yet, having pledged to deploy hundreds of medical professionals to the front lines of the pandemic, Cuba stands to play the most robust role among the nations seeking to contain the virus.

Fidel’s Farewell And The Future Of The US-Cuban Rapprochement

It can be expected that a lengthy period of mourning will take place in Cuba and that his funeral will see the record attendance of many worldwide leaders, President Obama included. The US leader will probably exploit the occasion to promote the rapprochement with Cuba, likely making positive and upbeat remarks about Castro's life and legacy in order to advance his agenda of winning the islanders' support.

Ernesto Che Guevara to Fidel Castro – the last letter

Fidel: At this moment I remember many things: when I met you in Maria Antonia's house, when you proposed I come along, all the tensions involved in the preparations. One day they came by and asked who should be notified in case of death, and the real possibility of it struck us all. Later we knew it was true, that in a revolution one wins or dies (if it is a real one). Many comrades fell along the way to victory.