Wednesday, 5 February , 2025


Une nouvelle extrême droite? – Entretien avec René Monzat

par Sarah Al-Matary 19 avril 2022 Un demi-siècle après la création du Front national, quelle place son héritier le Rassemblement national tient-il au sein des droites...

Dernière station avant l’abattoir

 Par Patrick Le Tréhondat, Robi Morder, Patrick Silberstein* Donner à lire les textes réunis dans ce volume procède de la volonté obstinée de contribuer à...

Fascism is knocking at the door of Europe (with the support...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos For the first time since the defeat of German Nazism in 1945, a political force with a fascist origin and far right...

Anti-Semitism: the Far Right Whitewashed by its Support for Israel

By Alain Gresh and Sarra Grira Jan 4, 2024 The episode would have been unthinkable not so long ago: MPs and fans of the far right,...

Israel’s alliance with Europe’s fascists

The marriage between the Israeli government and European parties that demonise Muslims in the same way the far-right groups nurtured hatred for the Jews is...

La résistible ascension des fascistes à la française

Par Pierre Stambul 14/06/24 On sait qui ils sont : les descendants des antidreyfusards, les héritiers du régime de Vichy et des collabos. Les héritiers des...

Fascism and resistance in France today

Originally published: Green Left on June 14,, 2024 by John Mullen Susan Price In the June 9 European elections, French President Emmanuel Macron’s Renaissance party was...

Karl Polanyi’s failed revolution The liberal world order is collapsing once...

By Thomas Fazi April 27, 2024  Few 20th-century thinkers have had such a lasting and profound influence as Karl Polanyi. “Some books refuse to go away...

Berlin police raid and shut down conference opposing Gaza genocide

By Tamino Dreisam, Peter Schwarz 12 April 2024 On Friday afternoon, the German capital of Berlin witnessed scenes reminiscent of the era of the Nazi regime....

Italie: retour aux fondamentaux politiques?

Par Danielle RIVA L’arrivée au pouvoir de Meloni a-t-elle sonné la fin de l’histoire d’un mouvement ouvrier, si riche, et si inventif qu’il a rayonné...