ertains s’indignent que l’on ose comparer les attaques dont les musulmans sont aujourd’hui l’objet à l’antisémitisme d’autrefois. Il ne s’agit bien évidemment pas de la Shoah, auquel cas le parallèle serait effectivement scandaleux. Mais le discours islamophobe qui gagne chaque jour un plus de terrain ressemble en tous points aux théories antisémites qui
The independent but Green-backed candidate Alexander van der Bellen had narrowly beaten his opponent Norbert Hofer, from the far-right Freedom Party, in May but the election was recalled after a court found discrepancies in the counting of votes.
The leader of France's far-right National Front set the tone for her campaign for the French presidency, calling to fight an Islamist "offensive" and promising to hold a nationwide referendum on European Union membership if she is elected next spring.
Greetings, you’re watching Dugin’s Guideline.
Over the past few days in Europe, and most importantly in France and Germany, one terrorist attack, massacre, explosion, suicide-bomber,...
By Neil Faulkner
Taking a position on the EU Referendum was not easy. The in/out choice was essentially an argument inside the political and corporate...
The results of the German regional elections represent a serious setback for Angela Merkel, but also a defeat for the German Left. The rightist Alternative for Germany...