Saturday, 22 February , 2025

Facial recognition

Facebook shutting down controversial face recognition program, vows to delete over...

2 Nov, 2021 Citing “growing concerns” about privacy and ethics, Facebook has announced it will stop using face recognition technology and delete more than a...

Avec les drones et algorithmes, l’Europe construit un mur virtuel contre...

Gazeta Wyborcza (Varsovie) Οct. 11, 2021 Loin d’être plus objectifs que les gardes-frontières humains, les robots et algorithmes de plus en plus souvent utilisés dans la...

Mossad is not ruling the world. We are ruling the world

Biden spokesperson Jen Psaki worked for Israeli spy firm By Ali Abunimah 25 March 2021 President Joe Biden’s press secretary Jen Psaki worked for an Israeli firm...

EU poised to create massive transatlantic facial-recognition database, link with US

By Helen Buyniski, RT |22 Feb, 2020 The EU is laying the groundwork for a massive international facial recognition database that may someday hook into the one...

Malgré les critiques, Londres va bien déployer la reconnaissance faciale en...

Après une phase d’expérimentation, la technologie va maintenant être utilisée de manière officielle, au grand dam des association de défenses des libertés individuelles Par Jean-Yves...

Facial recognition: ten reasons you should be worried about the technology

By Birgit Schippers August 21, 2019 Facial recognition technology is spreading fast. Already widespread in China, software that identifies people by comparing images of their...