Tuesday, 11 March , 2025


Very serious escalation in Eastern Mediterranean. Very serious risk of a...

Turkish Coast Guard crashes on Greek Coast Guard vessel off Kos (video) March 11, 2020 A serious incident took place in the early morning hours of...

At Turkey’s frontier with Europe, everyone wants to be Syrian

By Joseph Nasr March 7, 2020 Vastly outnumbered by Afghans and Pakistanis at the border, Syrians who have fled their country’s protracted civil war say most...

Erdogan: Three days after the agreement with Putin he asks NATO’s...

Turkey Has Asked NATO for Additional Assistance on Syria - Erdogan 9.03.2020 On Sunday, just three days after Russia brokered a ceasefire between Turkey and Syria...

Tensions in Evros Continue, MEPs Ask Commission to Solve the Border...

By Nick Kampouris Mar 8, 2020 New tensions broke out on Saturday evening near Kastanies, the town on the Greek-Turkish border in Evros. Following a few hours...

Erdogan is playing with fire. He will provoke a catastrophic war...

“We are at a war without bullets” says Greece, as Turkey weaponizes migrants March 8, 2020 “We are being attacked by Turkey with migrants as a...

Lesvos: German neo-nazis against migrants; get beaten by locals

March 6, 2020 A group of five neo-nazis from Germany and Austria landed on the island of Lesvos amid the migration crisis and one...

Refugees forcibly transported to border, Ankara Bar Association claims

Around 300 migrants at Ankara’s Akyurt Repatriation Center were transported to the border against their will on the night of Feb. 29, Ankara Bar...

New and unbelievable Turkish provocations

Turkey to dispatch 1000 policemen to “prevent pushbacks at Greek border” March 5, 2020 Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu announced the dispatch of 1,000 police...

Turkish police fires teargas at Greek forces as migrants try to...

March 4, 2020 Tension erupted again at the closed customs office of Kastenies at Evros, when a group of migrants attempted to cross into Greece...

Des soldats turcs lèvent le drapeau sur un îlot grec de...

10 Décembre 2019 Le drapeau turc a été hissé sur un petit îlot dans la rivière Evros, la frontière naturelle entre la Grèce et la...