Tuesday, 4 March , 2025

European parliament

Peace, War and Europe

By Oksana Chelysheva * The ”Confidence Building Measures In the Face Of Sharp Polarization in Europe” roundtable at the  European Parliament on March 20 (https://www.defenddemocracy.press/brussels-call-stop-the-war-stop-sending-arms-to-ukraine/)...

Destroy Russia: The real program of the European Hard Right!

The Imperial Russia: Conquer, Genocide & Colonisation. For many who have experienced Russian oppression in the past, the war in Ukraine can only end when...

Η έκκληση των Βρυξελλών: Σταματήστε τον πόλεμο, σταματήστε την αποστολή όπλων...

Του Δημήτρη Κωνσταντακόπουλου 24 Μαρτίου 2023 Στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 20 Μαρτίου μια διεθνής διάσκεψη με θέμα «Μέτρα οικοδόμησης εμπιστοσύνης μπροστά στην οξεία πόλωση στην...

Члены Европарламента призывают мировые правительства прекратить вооружать Украину, отменить санкции в...

В Европарламенте 20 марта прошла конференция «Меры укрепления доверия перед лицом резкой поляризации в Европе». По итогам мероприятия было подготовлено публичное обращение о «немедленном прекращении...

Stop the War, stop sending arms to Ukraine. An appeal from...

The participants of the conference Confidence Building Measures in the Face of Sharp Polarization in Europe, which was held at the European Parliament on...

Arrêtez la guerre, arrêtez d’envoyer des armes en Ukraine. L’ appel...

Les participants à la conférence "Confidence Building Measures in the Face of Sharp Polarization in Europe", qui s'est tenue au Parlement européen le 20...

Actors and victims in global cyber espionage activities

By Ersin Çahmutoğlu * Today, when the world is integrated with cyberspace, many states are developing cyber strategies within the scope of national security. These...

European Parliament: Turkey must immediately end illegal drilling activities and infringing...

MEPs condemn Turkey’s activities in Varosha, Cyprus, and call for sanctions Nov. 26,2020 Turkey’s decision to “open” the sealed-off suburb of Varosha undermines prospects of...

European “Parliament”: an instrument of Cold War and US domination

European Parliament calls for international probe into alleged Navalny poisoning & suspension of Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline 17 Sep, 2020 The European Parliament has pushed...

European parliament could block Brexit deal over Boris Johnson’s treatment of...

Problems with Home Office settlement scheme have raised concerns By Jon Stone Dec. 18, 2019 The European parliament could block Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal over the UK’s treatment...