Friday, 18 October , 2024


Mélenchon (et Corbyn) ou la Guerre

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*) Je dois d' abord exprimer mon admiration profonde et sincere pour l' instinct politique des terroristes islamistes. Ils semblent disposer un...

Putin Slams NATO

‘Nodding like bobbleheads’: Putin slams NATO’s support for US violation of intl law in Syria The missile strike on Syria was a clear breach of...

Sahra Wagenknecht for dissolving NATO

The parliamentary leader of Germany's largest opposition party, the Leftist Linke, has urged the dissolution of the NATO alliance. Sahra Wagenknecht on Tuesday asked for dissolving the North Atlantic...

Friendly Cyprus Now Needs Russia’s Voice More Than Ever

The Russian ambassador to Cyprus repeatedly voiced the position that there should be no outside interferences or imposed time limits in the negotiations over Cyprus or foreign guarantees. In fact, he said that it is unheard of in this day in age for a third country (Turkey) to demand to become the guarantor power of a country (Cyprus) that does not wish to have guarantors. Turkey has an atrocious record over Cyprus, having invaded the island militarily 42 years ago on a pretext, and still occupies 37% of the country.

Corbyn on NATO, Trump, Globalization and the Left

Jeremy Corbyn has suggested he is in favour of reducing Nato’s presence on eastern Europe’s borders with Russia and said it was clear the US president-elect, Donald Trump, believed he could improve relations with Vladimir Putin.

Matteo Salvini to Alexander Dugin on Italy, EU and Trump

This election is great news. A lesson in democracy. In Trump's program, there are such theses as putting an end to wars and the export of democracy around the whole world, revising NATO and the UN’s roles, and pursuing friendly relations with Russia. Great attention is also paid to what is happening in the United States: the war against illegal immigration and the introduction of proportional taxation (a flat tax).

Europe – “Green” Alliance with Russia or experimental field for genetic...

In September 2016 it was announced that German chemical & pharmaceutical giant Bayer agreed to buy US seeds and pesticides corporation Monsanto in a $66 billion takeover deal. If the sides finalize the agreement (which is to be signed by the end of 2017) and regulatory authorities in USA and EU approve it, it will create a «transatlantic monster», the likes of which the world has never seen before. The new company will to a great extent dictate to the whole world what to eat, what medicine to take and how to run agriculture.

Russia-Syria-West: New warnings, threats and confusion

“We are moving into an era that is as dangerous, if not more dangerous, as the cold war”, warned not some pacifist, but the ex-head of British MI6 Sawers himself, adding that “we are not treating Russia and China as major powers that can cause us a great deal of damage. What we really need to do is try to avoid the road which leads to a direct confrontation”.

West is playing with nuclear war

By Robert Stevens Britain’s ruling elite are making advanced preparations towards a major escalation of military operations in Syria. Parliament met in an emergency three-hour session...

La crise economique europeenne en tant qu instrument de la transformation...

Six ans après le déclenchement de la grande crise financiere et économique de 2008-09, aucune des causes fondamentales qui l’ont provoquée n’a été combattue....