Wednesday, 18 December , 2024


Google va rétrograder les articles de RT pour les rendre plus...

Le géant américain d'internet développe actuellement des algorithmes spécifiques visant à rendre les publications des médias RT et Sputnik moins visibles sur son moteur...

EU won’t survive

Death Knell Tolling for EU? 'Without Reform EU Won’t Last to 2030s' - Scholar The EU needs to reform if it is to survive the...

Downplaying Nazi crimes to pursue Russophobia – Neocon revisionism hits Britain

By Neil Clark * Photo: People at the annual procession commemorating the Latvian Waffen-SS (Schutzstaffel) unit in Riga, Latvia © Reuters / Reuters We live in...

Les provocations de Donald Trump menacent la paix dans le monde

Par Jacques Nikonoff, président du Parti de la démondialisation (Pardem) Le 11 octobre 2017 Jamais, dans l’histoire de l’Organisation des Nations unies, un chef d’État ne...

German Elite: America First!

German Foreign Policy Experts Warn Against Anti-Americanism By STEVEN ERLANGER BRUSSELS — Anxious about political trends in Germany that are sowing divisions with the United States...

‘Russia threat has to be invented to justify arms sales, NATO...

Russia and Belarus have good reason to carry out joint military exercises as in recent years the US and its allies have attacked a...

German Greens’ pro-war policy on display at think tank forum

By Johannes Stern Since the Greens, led by Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer, organised the first foreign combat operation by German soldiers since World War II,...

Putin, Macron: N. Korea threatening peace & safety, direct talks needed

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron have agreed on the importance of defusing the Korean peninsula stand-off through diplomacy, urging...

Rompre avec la France atlantiste ? – Entretien avec Hadrien Desuin

Published by Ancien élève de l'École spéciale militaire de St-Cyr, Hadrien Desuin est géopoliticien. Il collabore avec plusieurs journaux (Conflits, Figarovox) dans lesquels il...

Germany Urges EU Retaliation Over US Sanctions on Russia

By Jason Ditz In comments today, German Economic Minister Brigitte Zypries declared the latest round of US sanctions against Russia a violation of international law,...