Tuesday, 1 April , 2025


Brussels’ call: Stop the war, stop sending arms to Ukraine!

For the first time since February 2022, critics of the current EU and NATO policies towards Ukraine and Russia have held an international conference...

MEP: NATO sows terror, death and lawlessness by interfering in the...

December 2, Minsk / Corr. BELTA/. NATO interferes in the affairs of other countries under the pretext of democracy, but sows terror, death and...

La députée européenne Clare Daly accuse ses collègues de pousser les...

We remind our readers that publication of articles on our site does not mean that we agree with what is written. Our policy is...

3 years in a Polish prison (2016-2019) for activities against NATO

Nov.1, 2021 We remind our readers that publication of articles on our site does not mean that we agree with what is written. Our policy...

EU more worried about Russia & China gaining from Western defeat...

24 Aug, 2021 Fears in Brussels that the fall of Kabul to the Taliban is a victory for Moscow and Beijing show that the EU...

Agressivité contre le gouvernement italien : Verhofstadt se surpasse

15 février 2019 Feu à volonté sur le chef du gouvernement italien ! Le 12 février, celui-ci était « l’invité » des eurodéputés lors d’une séance plénière...

EU ‘risks pushing Venezuela towards civil war’ after parliament recognises Guaido

By Ana LAZARO 31/01/2019 The European Union risks pushing Venezuela towards civil war, rather than democracy, the country's ambassador warned after the European Parliament recognised Juan Guaidó...

MEPs protest Syria strikes during Macron’s call for EU unity

17 Apr, 2018 A group of MEPs held placards reading “Hands off Syria!” during Emmanuel Macron’s address before the European parliament on Tuesday, overshadowing the...

“Liberal” European Elites for Authoritarianism and Cold War

In the aftermath of the November 8 US presidential election, sections of the Democratic Party, the intelligence services and the media have intensified unsubstantiated pre-election claims that the Russian government hacked into Democratic Party email servers to undermine the campaign of Hillary Clinton.