Alternatives To The Crisis: Why Civil Society Has Been Mostly Right
Since the crisis began in 2008, an intense European discussion has challenged official policy priorities. Civil society organisations (CSOs), trade unions, think tanks and grassroots campaigns have called for ending austerity and restoring shared prosperity, reforming (or dismantling) EU institutions, reducing inequality and making Europe more inclusive, achieving
Stiglitz’ €-book: Excellent Stuff for Debate
Left critics will have no problem to show that Stiglitz is an ‘ordinary’ neo-keynesian, whose thinking is not that different from mainstream economic theory. He makes no secret of his credo in ‘inclusive capitalism’. When he speaks of full employment, it is in the sense of the NAIRU, which in fact subordinates a social need to a macroeconomic model. He promotes the
The German voice of Goldman Sachs: Euro ready to collapse
The Euro currency project is unworkable in its current form and at the risk of “collapse”, its principal architect has warned.
Professor Otmar Issing, the European Central Bank’s first chief economist who helped create the single currency at the turn of the century, has warned that the Euro cannot survive in its current form.
Running against the time
The location of the third European No-Euro-Forum itself, Chianciano Terme in Tuscany, can be considered symbolic for the urgent need of an exit strategy to leave the corset of the currency union: during the 80ties it was a prosperous small town with it’s hot springs and hundreds of hotels where workers and pensioners spent their spa stays, financed from a
Saving The EU From The Euro
The Ventotene summit among Prime Minister Renzi, Chancellor Merkel and President Hollande took place recently. Crucial issues were on the agenda: the geo-political conflicts at the borders of the European Union; internal security; migratory flows; economic growth. A strong wind of rhetoric about relaunching the ideals of the founding fathers of a united Europe
An Alternative to the Euro
BREXIT has shown that the EU cannot continue to do more of the same. It is time for a fundamental change of course. If this is not achieved, it will come to uncontrolled, confrontative or even explosive ruptures. If we want to prevent this, clarifying the currency issue is urgent and unavoidable. This is a key issue for the future of the EU -although not the only one. This is the core message of the following Appeal, formulated before the BREXIT decision.
How to remedy the Euro Zone’s Original Sin
Financing vs. Spending Unions: How to Remedy the Euro Zone’s Original Sin
By Thomas Palley
In economic policy, timing isn’t everything, it’s the only thing. The...
The Case For Germany Leaving The Euro #Gexit
There can be no doubt that the German “stability-oriented” approach to European unity has failed dismally. It is high time for Europe to contemplate the option of a German exit from the Eurozone – #Gexit – since this might be the least damaging scenario for Europe to emerge from its euro trap and start afresh.
Left – moral collapse in Greece, strategic confusion in Europe
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
According to a reliable source in Caracas, as Hugo Chávez was dying he called his chosen successor Maduro. Among other things he...
Paul Krugman’s Argument That The Eurozone Is Not An Optimum Currency...
By Waltraud Schelkle
In a recent conference, the distinguished economist Paul Krugman repeated the oft-heard critique that the eurozone is not an optimal currency area. Waltraud...