Monday, 16 September , 2024


The face (and the fate) of Europe

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos I was yesterday walking in Victoria Square, in the very center of Athens, looking at policemen who tried to move away some...

European Summit on immigration crisis

The Real winner of the Migration Summit is definitely Turkey. The EU leaders seem to depend completely on Turkey’s willpower. The refugee crisis is...

Syriza’s Foreign Policy

By Sotiris Dimopoulos Following Syriza's election victory, a year ago, some Western leaders and media pundits began to speak of the party’s dangerous foreign policy...

The Debate in British Parliament on Brexit including the intervention of...

The Debate in British Parliament on Brexit including the intervention of Jeremy Corbyn   (18m 11s – 27m 14s)

EU Lifts Sanctions Against Belarussian President Lukashenko

The European Union has lifted most sanctions against Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko and his administration officials, the EU Council said in a statement Monday,...

Russia Suspends Traffic of Ukrainian Trucks in Response to Kiev’s Blockage

Russia on Sunday suspended the movement of trucks registered in Ukraine in response to the inaction of Kiev authorities over the blockage of Russian...

EU migration crisis: Stop illegal wars, don’t blame the victims

by Finian Cunningham Europe is on a dangerous, slippery slope of increasing xenophobia and racism engendered by the influx of refugees. Denmark’s new confiscation law...

Changing Perceptions of the West in the South Caucasus: Adoration No...

by George Mchedlishvili While perceptions of the West in the South Caucasus have deteriorated, renewed Western interest and engagement could help restore its reputation in the...

How The Refugee Crisis Splits The European Social Democrats Between West...

by Maria Skóra The refugee crisis has exposed cracks in the EU’s political foundations. Failure to agree over how to implement refugee quotas and inability...

La crise economique europeenne en tant qu instrument de la transformation...

Six ans après le déclenchement de la grande crise financiere et économique de 2008-09, aucune des causes fondamentales qui l’ont provoquée n’a été combattue....