Plans to rename and “profoundly transform” the Front National after Marine Le Pen’s defeat by Emmanuel Macron in France’s presidential runoff will meet resistance...
Paris, by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
The cameras are set low. They show him slightly taller than he really is as, alone, to the accompaniment of the...
Emmanuel Macron, l’économie en marche arrière
Source : Les économistes atterrés, 07-03-2017
Après plusieurs mois de suspense, Emmanuel Macron vient de présenter son programme. Le programme économique...
France’s presidential candidates battled for the working-class vote in a day of sometimes violent protests ahead of next Sunday’s election.
As May Day workers’ rights...
Tillerson Vows Forever Sanctions on Russia
By Stephen Lendman
According to acting State Department spokesman Mark Toner, Tillerson spoke to (illegitimate US-installed putschist) Ukraine (puppet)...
Mélenchon’s Rise
Samuel Earle 19 April 2017
Tags: french presidential election 2017 | mélenchon
On 9 April, the left’s late-runner for the French presidency, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, held...