Sunday, 12 January , 2025


After Greece, now a Coup d’ Etat in Italy! | by...

Italian President Mattarella leaves the Constitution and prevents the formation of the 5Stelle-Lega Government This opens an unprecedented crisis in post-WWII political history in Italy....

Le Coup d’Etat du Président Mattarella, par Jacques Sapir

28.mai.2018 Ce qui s’est passé dans la soirée du dimanche 27 mai peut être considéré comme un coup d’Etat légal en Italie. Le Président...

Italy’s populists blame Germany for thwarted effort to form government

Italy’s populists blame Germany for thwarted effort to form government By Regina Krieger and Ruth Berschens May 28, 2018 Italy’s populists, angry at being thwarted in their...

La proposition révolutionnaire de Villepin. Est-elle applicable sous un ex-banquier de...

D. +excellent chez Bourdin ! Russie - Iran - USA - Élections italiennes ! Dominique de Villepin s'exprime à propos des élections italiennes, des sanctions...

The Italian Experiment

‘Government of change’: Euroskeptic coalition’s choice for Italian PM officially approved 23 May, 2018 Giuseppe Conte has vowed quick reforms after being confirmed as prime minister...

The debate on euro-area reform

A paper jointly written by 14 French and German economists set off a debate about the reform of euro-area macroeconomic governance. We review economists’...

Pompeo presents war ultimatum to Iran

US Secretary of State Pompeo presents war ultimatum to Iran By Bill Van Auken 22 May 2018 On Monday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo...

Kosovo and Metohija – Return to UNSCR 1244

By Živadin Jovanovic We hear that Kosovo and Metohija’s frozen conflict is not conducive to Serbia’s interests, but nobody notes that Serbia stands to lose...

Le gouvernement grec accepte d’énièmes mesures d’austérité

Par Pascal Marie Publié le 19/05/2017 Le Parlement grec a voté dans la soirée du jeudi 18 mai de nouvelles mesures d’austérité afin de satisfaire les désirs...

Pοland: A dissimulated dictatorship inside the EU

Stop the anti-Communist repressions of Polish government! A call for solidarity 15/05/2018 Polish reactionary government is undertaking new attempts against the free speech and democratic...