Monday, 13 January , 2025


L’Allemagne veut protéger les fleurons de son industrie

05/02/201 BERLIN (Reuters) - L'Allemagne envisage de prendre des participations dans des entreprises de secteurs jugés stratégiques pour les protéger d'éventuelles tentatives de rachat par...

Révoltes européennes : De Syriza aux Gilets Jaunes! (Réflexions, 8-2-2019)

Feb. 13, 2019 Rencontre-entretien entre Dimitrios KONSTANTAKOPOULOS, Journaliste, auteur, ancien membre de la direction du parti Syriza (Grèce) Journaliste, auteur, ancien membre de la direction...

Why France’s Yellow Vest Protests Are Ignored by “The Resistance” in...

by Max Parry January 4, 2019 “”The rich are only defeated when running for their lives.” — C.L.R. James, The Black Jacobins In less than two months, the...

Italy Saves Europe’s Dignity over US Bullying of Venezuela

08.02.2019 It’s comically ironic. France has now recalled its ambassador from Rome in a mounting row over Italy’s alleged “interference” in French internal political affairs....

Paris juge «inacceptable» la rencontre entre Luigi Di Maio et des...

Par  Coline Vazquez 07/02/2019 Le vice-premier ministre italien a rencontré des responsables des «gilets jaunes», à qui il avait déjà affirmé son soutien, mardi en région...

European firms ‘won’t dare’ use new EU payment system for trade...

1 Feb, 2019 A new mechanism to allow “legitimate trade” with Iran, which was set up by France, Germany, and the UK this week, doesn’t...

Α Black Day for European Democracy. Europeans endorse US-led Coup d’...

The UK, France, Spain, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Netherlands, Germany, Portugal,among a number of countries, have announced their recognition of Juan Guaido as...

La crise de la dette grecque est-elle enfin terminée ?

The Greek Debt Crisis is Finally Over. Or Is It? Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 04.07.2018 La Grèce existe encore, même décapitée, sans chefs, ni forces ou intellectuels capables...

EU ‘risks pushing Venezuela towards civil war’ after parliament recognises Guaido

By Ana LAZARO 31/01/2019 The European Union risks pushing Venezuela towards civil war, rather than democracy, the country's ambassador warned after the European Parliament recognised Juan Guaidó...

Yellow Vests: From Facebook to the…”Soviets”, from Roads to Factories. The...

Commercy (Meuse), France by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Commercy is a small town in Lorraine, France. Here is the “deep France”, the deepest of all. Here people have...