How the CIA and Israel Eavesdropped on Every EU Government From...
By Jazzhands McFeels, James Allsup
Apr 21, 2020
This post first appeared on Truth to Power
Another great deep-dive. Turns out that a Swiss company which provided...
New French – Israeli colonialism in Africa
'Great Game' in Sahel: Europe Forms New Task Force, US Eyes Drawdown, Terrorists Team Up
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - As European countries agree to set up...
Cities lobby EU to offer shelter to migrant children from Greece
Amsterdam, Barcelona and Leipzig among cities calling for action to ease humanitarian crisis
By Jennifer Rank
24 Apr 2020
Ten European cities have pledged shelter to...
L’ultimo intervento di Giulietto Chiesa con Manlio Dinucci (25 Aprile 2020)
L'ultimo intervento di Giulietto Chiesa, andato in onda via web con Manlio Dinucci, il giorno prima del suo decesso
Also read
Giulietto Chiesa (1940-2020): An intellectual...
EU-wide inequality is back to pre-crisis levels
by Michael Dauderstädt
15th April 2020
After almost a decade, EU-wide inequality finally regained its previous low of 2009 due to relatively strong growth in the...
Vietnam donates 550,000 masks to EU countries in coronavirus fight
April 07, 2020
Vietnam donated 550,000 face masks to five European countries on Tuesday to support their fight against the coronavirus that has killed more...
Germany Signals a Historic Shift From Austerity That Could Upend the...
By Marshall Auerback
March 26, 2020
Meanwhile, the EU’s institutional barriers to long-term reform remain formidable.
Until March 21, Germany’s policymakers were like the Japanese soldiers who...
The end of SPD, of Germany and of the EU: Nothing...
I Find It Appropriate that Every Member State First Acted Nationally
In an interview with DER SPIEGEL, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, 53, criticizes the...
En Bulgarie, la pauvreté ronge même les classes moyennes
Apr. 30, 2015
Elle est ingénieure, lui peintre devenu gardien de nuit. Leur fils joue du violon dans la rue pour gagner quelques pieces. La...
Entretien à El Confidencial : “Il faut mettre sur pied des...
Entretien de Jean-Pierre Chevènement à El Confidencial, propos recueillis par Hernan Garces, Pere Rusinol, lundi 6 avril 2020.
Par Jean-Pierre Chevènement
El Confidencial : Dans votre...