The rise of Asia and the polarisation of Global Forces: Western...
A sketch of ideas for a global future
“That Asia has ‘risen' in the world economy since at least 1960, and especially since 2000,...
Will EU and pandemic pave way for Israeli global surveillance?
By Ali Abunimah
13 April 2020
The coronavirus pandemic is a priceless opportunity for governments and spy firms to expand their reach into people’s lives.
Public health...
Капитализм не умрёт?
Димитрис Константакопулос
Как это обычно бывает в кризисные времена, «ленинцы рыночной системы» могут попытаться использовать шоковую ситуацию для продвижения своей повестки дня. Они знают, что...
EU: They selected BlackRock as advisor. They are also considering hiring...
Finance Watch denounces the incoherence of the selection of BlackRock by the European Commission to integrate ESG factors into EU banking frameworks
By Charlotte Geiger
Macron calls for coordinated EU nuclear defence strategy – with France...
By Julie Gaubert
Addressing military officers in Paris on Friday, French President Emmanuel Macron called for a more coordinated European Union defence strategy, with...
Corona-Crisis and Two Models of Capitalism | Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
Published by Valdai Discussion Club
It is clear that we are entering worldwide an era of very grave social, political and international conflicts and we...
The IMF admits it destroyed Greece along with Germany, European govenrments,...
The IMF’s admission of tragic errors in Greek bailout, the EU’s indifference
24 May 2019
By Dimitris Galanis
In evaluating its programme to “rescue” Greece, the International...
Turkey is playing with fire in Eastern Mediterranean
It is not so difficult for the political-military observers to realize that Ankara is making great mistakes in the Eastern Mediterranean via providing unsparing...
Confinement, état des lieux et perspectives
Un spectre hante la France et le monde, celui de la grève générale et de l’autogestion en cours d’installation. Dans les hôpitaux, dans les...
EU should use perpetual bonds to finance Covid-19 recovery fund
By George Soros
21 Apr 2020
The European commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, has announced that Europe will need about €1tn (£873bn) to fight the...