Friday, 7 March , 2025


The rise of Asia and the polarisation of Global Forces: Western...

PART 3 (THE END) (Read Part I, Part II) Western Galaxy and Bandung Constellation The global bipolarity persists. However, E7 are not NEFOS (any more). So, we...

Results of the 73rd World Health Assembly: 140 countries come together,...

By Elif İlhamoğlu May 25, 2020 The 73rd World Health Assembly has come to end, with 140 countries deciding to act and cooperate together moving forward....

Divided EU Can Only Yield ‘Watered Down’ Response to Israel’s West...

22.05.2020 The European Union is divided on how to confront Israel over its plans to annex much of the West Bank, and while the bloc...

Αn Israel-Netanyahu’s sphere of influence inside the EU: Italy, Hungary, Austria,...

6 countries block EU resolution that would have condemned Trump plan, annexation Italy, Hungary, Czech Republic among members said to have torpedoed statement, which required...

La présidente de la Banque centrale européenne propose de revoir les...

19 mai 2020 Dans une interview, Christine Lagarde a salué le projet de relance de 500 milliards d'euros proposé lundi par les dirigeants français et...

Pourquoi la zone euro n’est pas, et pourrait n’être jamais viable

Par Fabien Escalona 19 mai 2020 Dès 1971, l’économiste postkeynésien Nicholas Kaldor prévenait qu’une union monétaire sans intégration fiscale et politique accentuerait les divergences entre ses...

The rise of Asia and the polarisation of Global Forces: Western...

(Read Part I) G7 and E7, OLDEFOS and NEFOS Those forecasts reveal interesting points, at least two for the purpose of this essay: 1) The grouping of...

The Dangers Of Parachute Journalism

A little learning is a dang’rous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring. (Pope) By William Mallinson * Hot on the heels of an...

Covid-19. Ministers from Portugal, Spain and Italy call for European minimum...

The three ministers stress that Europe is currently facing the “greatest challenge since World War II”: fighting the covid-19 pandemic, saving as many lives...

Coronavirus will increase number in EU at risk of going hungry,...

Countries scramble to fill the plates of the most vulnerable. By Zosia Wanat 5/4/20 The coronavirus pandemic will increase the number of Europeans who are at...