Hafter forces give Egypt the green-light to intervene on their behalf
Posted on July 20, 2020
On Monday, Egypt’s parliament gave military junta leader Abdel Fattah...
Cairo pushed ceasefire, but found little interest
osted on June 8, 2020ategories
The Egyptian government has been one of the most vocal backers of Gen....
Appel des peuples, organisations, mouvements et réseaux militants d’Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient/région arabe pour l’annulation de la dette et l’abandon des accords...
March 23, 2020
Human Rights Watch (HRW) is accusing Egypt of arresting and torturing children as young as 12. A report from the international rights...
Shady Habash dies in Cairo's Tora Prison, say lawyers, after two years in detention for directing video mocking el-Sisi
2 May 2020
An Egyptian filmmaker imprisoned...
The whole world is taking action against the spread of the dangerous new virus COVID-19. After China’s tough and timely response to the pandemic,...
Egypt waterboards children aged 12 to 17 years for allegedly participating in protests against President Abdelfattah Al Sisi oppressive regime.
By Amir Malik
March 30, 2020