Economic Planning
Démocratie, Gauche et Impérialisme : les guerres des élites occidentales contre...
Aucune des interventions occidentales n’a apporté la démocratie ; toutes ont conduit à des désastres sociaux et nationaux dans les pays où elles ont eu lieu.
Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
Peu avant sa mort, dans une série d’écrits, Samir Amin a développé les deux questions...
The Los Angeles fire disaster and the necessity of socialist planning
By Tom Carter
Han 10, 2024
The multiple fires currently raging out of control in Los Angeles, California, represent a catastrophe of staggering proportions. Communities, the...
President Putin to Defend Democracy Press: Οn Planned Economy, China, Euro,...
Sochi, Russia, by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
Last week, I was invited to attend the annual Valdai Forum conference. The Valdai Forum is one of the most...
The future of China, the danger of a collapse of human...
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*)
Shortly before his death, in a series of writings, Samir Amin unfolded the two issues that were mainly of concern to...
Michel Pablo et l’expérience soviétique
Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
En lisant attentivement les multiples hommages, généralement élogieux, que la presse grecque a rendu à Michel Raptis (Pablo) lors de son...
Samir Amin’s last two battles
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
Shortly before his death, in a series of writings, Samir Amin unfolded the two issues that mainly concerned him. The first was...
Socialism And Economic Cybernetics: Towards a Manifesto
Paperback – 14 February 2024
by Elena Veduta (Author)
The only alternative to capitalism is socialism. The first attempt to organize a non-capitalist, proportionally...
Geopolitics, war, climate and economy: The need for a global alternative...
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos*
The present still dominant global economic system is a generalized, expanded and globalized form of the one prevailing in western capitalism during...
Si on veut une gauche de gauche, il va falloir changer...
Jun 12, 2023
La manifestation du 6 juin 2023 marque le reflux du mouvement social avant la trêve estivale. À noter des attaques de cortège à...
Multipolarity: The need for a positive content
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*)
I believe the demand for multipolarity is the most fundamental and the most genuinely democratic demand of our times.
I am very...