Sunday, 23 February , 2025

Eastern Europe

Poland: Towards a Proto-Fascist State

Poland Purges Supreme Court, and Protesters Take to Streets By Marc Santora July 3, 2018     WARSAW — Poland’s government carried out a sweeping purge of the Supreme...

Non à la débaptisation du rond-point « Gierek » à Sosnowiec...

« Appel des 132 » lancé à l’initiative de l’association Les Amis d’Edward Gierek A Monsieur Tomasz Młynarski, Ambassadeur de Pologne en France Ambassade de Pologne Paris...

Hungarian PM Viktor Orban to Visit Israel July 18-20

On Thursday, Israeli lawmakers urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to cancel the visit, citing, among other things, Orban's recurrent use of 'propaganda with a...

Bulgarian President Begs Russia to Resurrect the Canceled Southern Stream Pipeline

The pipeline which Bulgarian and the EU sabotaged on marching orders of US and Russia canceled in disgust in 2014 By Georgi Gotev Mon, May 28, 2018 Bulgarian...

La proposition révolutionnaire de Villepin. Est-elle applicable sous un ex-banquier de...

D. +excellent chez Bourdin ! Russie - Iran - USA - Élections italiennes ! Dominique de Villepin s'exprime à propos des élections italiennes, des sanctions...

Kosovo and Metohija – Return to UNSCR 1244

By Živadin Jovanovic We hear that Kosovo and Metohija’s frozen conflict is not conducive to Serbia’s interests, but nobody notes that Serbia stands to lose...

Pοland: A dissimulated dictatorship inside the EU

Stop the anti-Communist repressions of Polish government! A call for solidarity 15/05/2018 Polish reactionary government is undertaking new attempts against the free speech and democratic...

Over half of Moldovans oppose NATO membership

12.05.2018 Moldova's integration with the European Union is favored by 38% of the country's citizens; with the Eurasian Economic Union, by 34%, according to the...

Arrestation et procès politique en Pologne : le cas de Mateusz...

Nous publions a la fin de ce texte deux documents recus par notre ami Bruno Drweski, relatives aux persecutions politiques en Pologne, qui se...

Zone of storms

Review of Samir Amin's, October 1917: Revolution A Century Later (Daraja Press, 2017) by Theo V. Kenji Apr 22, 2018 In the five essays presented in...