Wednesday, 12 March , 2025


Bernard-Henri Lévy vs. Aleksandr Dugin – Nexus Symposium 21 September 2019,...

To celebrate our 25th anniversary, the Nexus Symposium 2019, ‘The Magic Mountain Revisited’, revolved around the themes and music from The Magic Mountain. As...

Russia: Tradition vs. Transition


Third World War: the beginning?

By Alexander Dugin   What happened on April 7th, 2017 could be the beginning of a Third World War. As a rule, nobody wants war but,...

Donald Trump’s Victory

Trump’s ascent first and foremost puts a decisive end to the unipolar world. Trump has directly rejected US hegemony in both its mild form, which the CFR insists on, and in its harsh form, as the neocons call for. In these elections, the two main American globalist think thanks rallied around the candidacy of Clinton and collapsed. This means that the unipolar world is liquidated not only under the pressure of other countries, but from within America itself.

Clinton is War, Trump is Freedom, by Alexander Dugin

Today, the fate of mankind is being decided. The question is very clear: war or peace? The USA is the only hyper-power, and elections are going to be held in this country today. Oh, what elections these are! For the first time in many decades, the two candidates embody two alternative paths of development for the United States and, accordingly, for humanity as

Russia-Turkey: Dugin in Ankara

On the eve of the coup in Turkey, the Russian geopolitician and philosopher Alexander Dugin was in Ankara, where he gave a press conference. Among other things he said, he insisted that the same forces want the destruction of both Russia and Turkey and are threatening Turkish sovereingty. He said that President Erdogan understood now the situation and he added that the two countries are now inaugurating a new system of relations, not just

Eurasianism in the Context of the 21st Century

By Leonid Savin Eurasianist ideology has undergone a series of changes over the last 20 years. After Nursultan Nazarbayev, based on a Eurasianist approach, proposed forming...