Saturday, 29 March , 2025


US-Led Coalition Preparing for Tectonic Shift in the Middle East

17.04.2018 The US is apparently preparing for serious changes in the Middle East, while strengthening ties with its longstanding allies – Saudi Arabia, Qatar and...

‘Trial by media’ on what happened in Douma

By Lasanda Kurukulasuriya Apr. 23, 2018 It’s not known, at the time of writing, what the inspection team from the Organisation for the Prohibition of...

The west closes its ears to Douma testimony

28 April 2018 The response from the US, UK and France to a briefing on Thursday at the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons...

Chemical Inspectors Again Visit Syria’s Douma, Collect More Samples

New samples were collected at a separate site in town By Jason Ditz April 25, 2018 Inspectors from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)...

“L’agent chimique de l’attaque de Salisbury peut être produit par n’importe...

25.avril.2018 L’agent chimique de l’attaque de Salisbury peut être produit par n’importe quel État, même les États-Unis, dit le chef de l’OIAC à ceux qui...

Germany’s Largest Public TV News Broadcaster: Syria Chemical Attack “Most Likely...

by Tyler Durden Sun, 04/22/2018 A senior correspondent for German state media broadcast ZDF heute stunned his European audience during a report from on the...

Chemical Inspectors Arrive in Syria’s Douma, Collect Samples

By Jason Ditz April 21, 2018 Two weeks after the alleged Douma chemical weapons strike, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) arrived in...

UN Security Team Still Won’t Let Inspectors Visit Douma

Inspectors on 'Standby' Waiting for Permission from UNDSS By Jason Ditz April 20. 2018 Two weeks after the alleged chemical attack in Douma, chemical inspectors...

US Lawmaker: Government ‘Provided Zero Real Evidence’ of Chemical Attack

19.04.2018 On Thursday, US Congressman Thomas Massie announced that the US director of national intelligence, the defense secretary and the secretary of state had “provided...

President Trump’s War Crime is Worse than the One He Accuses...

April 16, 2018 The single most important thing that happened Friday night when the US military on President Trump’s orders launched a wave of over 100...