Friday, 18 October , 2024

Konstantakopoulos Dimitris

End of Regime in Europe!

One may agree or disagree with Brexit. But he has to admit that here we have to do with a clear anti-estabishment revolt of the British, a revolt with clearly national but also clear class characteristics. Look for instance the pattern of the vote. City voted overwhelmingly to remain in the Union, the popular, de-industrialized and agricultural regions of the country, the “lost of globalization”, very much for Brexit.

After the EU……what?

“To be or not to be?”, was the question that tortured Hamlet. “To be or not to be in Europe?” is the question the British put to themselves time and time again, usually only to avoid giving an unambiguous answer. For the French writer Andre Maurois, England is a country “alone but not isolated” (insulaire mais pas isolée

How “German logic” turns into irrationality

Germany, Greece and the Banks, in the context of the EU crisis By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos I remember the talk I had with the German ambassador in...

Vithoulkas on Man, Medicine and Society

On Man, Medicine, Society and Homeopathy (and also on the health of politicians and on money, power and health) a talk of George Vithoulkas with Dimitris Konstantakopoulos

I am not Greek! But is Schäuble a German?

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos I usually work more than ten hours a day and most of the weekends. I am often happy with what I do...

Towards “regime change” in Cyprus?

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos It is usual in European politics those years, for people to vote one thing and their leaders to do another. This is...

Merkel, Obama and the death of Greece

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Tomorrow, in the German city of Hannover, President Obama and Chancellor Merkel will again discuss about Greece. Greece and Syria are, for...

A Coup Foretold (Turkey and the Neocons)

We repost the article: “Turkey: Is a Military Coupe Possible?” which was first published on 31 March 2016 By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Some hours before the Brussels...

Russia – Turkey: Βehind the Confrontation

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos The shooting down of the Russian aircraft by Turkey inside Syrian airspace, a few days ago, should not be considered as a...

Lessons of the Greek Tragedy

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Greek and European political elites are the mere tool of gigantic historic forces transforming the whole region. They are the object and...