Saturday, 21 December , 2024

Konstantakopoulos Dimitris

The European Commission and the “coverup” of the rail tragedy in...

Ursula von der Leyen announced that the Greek Commissioner Apostolos Tzitzikostas will take over the Sustainable Transport  and Tourism portfolio in the new European...

Bandung-Belgrade-Havana in global history and perspective

Nov 10, 2022 Darwis Khudori (ed.) in collaboration with Diah Ariani Arimbi and Isaac Bazié, BANDUNG-BELGRADE-HAVANA IN GLOBAL HISTORY AND PERSPECTIVE : The Deployment of Bandung...

Александр Бузгалин и его время

Димитрис Константакопулос Jun 2024 "СВободной мысли"  в номере 3-2024. На сайте СМ она по адресу Выпуск № 3/2024 —...

От распада СССР до возникновения многополярного мира. И что теперь?

Димитрис Константакопулос 04.07.2024 История ставит перед народами и государствами Востока и Юга задачу противостоять гегемонистским аппетитам Запада с помощью новой, более эгалитарной и кооперативной модели и...

The future of China, the danger of a collapse of human...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*) Shortly before his death, in a series of writings, Samir Amin unfolded the two issues that were mainly of concern to...

Nord Stream. How western governments and media take us for fools

Everybody knew from the very beginning who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines as we were writing one day after the sabotage: Destroy the...

From the Fall of USSR to the Rise of a Multipolar...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos The fall of the USSR in 1989-91 provoked a sense of omnipotence in the dominant circles of Western capitalism, all the more...

From Alexis Tsipras to Marine Le Pen and Jean – Luc...

Nine years ago, on April 13th, 2015, overturning the result of the referendum that he himself had provoked, the leader of the Greek (and...

D’Alexis Tsipras à Marine Le Pen et Jean-Luc Mélenchon. La crise...

Il y a neuf ans, le 13 juillet 2015, renversant le résultat du référendum qu'il avait lui-même provoqué, le leader de la "gauche radicale"...

France, the conspiracy against Mélenchon

There is already, according to all indications, a "conspiracy" unfolding in France itself, an attempt to overturn the result of the election, a kind...