Tuesday, 4 March , 2025


Japan, depression and suicides

Japan appointed ‘ministry of loneliness’. Want to know why? February 23, 2021 Japan is moving rapidly in the field of technology on one hand. On the...

Cooperate with China or Suffer

By Andrew Sheng , Xiao Geng May 28, 2020 Neither confronting a threat that doesn’t respect borders nor safeguarding an economy that is deeply integrated with the...

What are the Three Concurrent Crises of the Coronavirus Depression?

The Keynes Crisis, The Minsky Crisis and the Means Crisis By Nathan Tankus May 21, 2020 In case you missed it (it seemed to miss most people’s...

The Greatest Depression

By Frances Coppola Jul 31, 2018 The IMF has just released its latest review of the Greek economy. “Following a deep and protracted contraction,” it says...

Kafka in action – half a million Greeks suffering depression

A new survey has found that depression among Greeks has dramatically increased, with women being most severely affected. Greece’s Statistical Authority survey on health is carried out every four years. The first one was conducted in 2009. After six years of recession, Greece’s public healthcare system has been under enormous pressure due to austerity policies