Saturday, 29 March , 2025

Democratic Party

150 cooks, servers and dishwashers almost shut down a Democratic debate,...

December 17, 2019 Organized labor’s clout in the Democratic Party is growing. For evidence, look no further than the small California food services union that...

Bernie Sanders Warns Democrats He Might Run as an Independent?

By Eric Zuesse On October 23rd, an extraordinary article was published online at Newsweek, but merely as “Opinion,” and this not coming from Senator Sanders’s...

Since 1914, attitude to imperialism is the litmus test for Western...

By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J S Davies August 26, 2019 Among the frontrunners in the Democratic Party presidential primary, Senators Warren and Sanders not only...

Bernie Sanders Calls To Seize the Means of Electricity Production

The presidential candidate’s new climate plan includes moving toward 100% public ownership of power By Johanna Bozuwa August 22, 2019 A year after a neglected Pacific Gas...

Sanders Calls for Public Ownership of New Renewable Energy

August 23, 2019 On August 22nd, 2019, US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders unveiled his proposal for a “Green New Deal” for the United States. What...

If You Think Trump Is Helping Israel, You’re a Fool

By Thomas L. Friedman Aug. 16, 2019 I am going to say this as simply and clearly as I can: If you’re an American Jew and...

The Democratic Party’s Iran Warhawks Who Fly Under the Radar

Junior Democrats who voted against an anti-war amendment have ties to the Saudi and UAE lobbies. BY Sarah Lazare July 23, 2019 On July 12, seven Democratic...

Trump: When will radical Democrats apologize to Israel?

07-15-19 INN - President Donald Trump excoriated several unnamed Democratic lawmakers on Monday, calling on them to apologize to the US, to Israel, and to...

Where’s Tulsi? The Hill forgets Gabbard when listing candidates who qualify...

A report by The Hill on Democratic candidates qualifying for the party’s debates has one glaring omission – Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. The Hill cited a New...

Berniecrats feeling burned as Sanders keeps mum on Assange’s arrest

A day after Julian Assange was arrested, Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders took the time to post a video… about himself. Fans quickly flooded...