Saturday, 22 February , 2025

Delors Jacques

The Breakaway | By Perry Anderson

21 January 2021 It is​ now a year since Britain left the EU, and less than a month since the terms of its separation were...

Entretien à Sud Ouest : “J’aurais pu démissionner mille fois”

Entretien de Jean-Pierre Chevènement au journal "Sud Ouest", propos retranscrits par Bruno Dive, dimanche 27 décembre 2020. Sud Ouest : Quand on regarde votre...

The Origins of European Neoliberalism

The real source of neoliberalism in Europe is neither technocracy nor hegemony but a problem specific to the continent: intergovernmentalism By Nicholas Mulder On December 18,...

Le manque de solidarité est un «danger mortel» pour l’Europe, selon...

Face au coronavirus, le Conseil européen de jeudi a montré les divisions entre les 27, en particulier entre pays du Nord et du Sud. Par...

European Social Policy: Progressive Regression

By Wolfgang Streeck November 2018 Abstrac tEuropean social policy changed with the evolution of European and global capitalism, the scope and shape of European-level international institutions, the...

Neo-liberal colonialism for the Eurozone

Pressed into service once again as the main legitimising factor for another drive towards deeper union is the glorious 60-year history of European integration, which must be continued. Since this rather emotionally focused line of argument is wearing thin after years of the Troika’s impoverishment policy, another element has been added to it, namely fear of