Sunday, 23 February , 2025


Dijsselbloem Speaks: The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos During a debate in the Committee on Employment of the European Parliament, a Greek Eurodeputy asked the President of the Eurogroup (the...

John Perkins on How Greece Has Fallen Victim to “Economic Hit...

By Michael Nevradakis, Truthout | Interview Thursday, September 11, 2014 John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, discusses how Greece and other eurozone...

Centenary of the Russian Revolution and the Repudiation of Debt

by Eric Toussaint 23 October 2017 In February 1918, the repudiation of the debt by the Soviet government shocked international finance and sparked off unanimous condemnation...

Worldwide debt more than triple economic output as central bank shift...

LONDON (Reuters) - Worldwide debt has risen to a record $226 trillion - more than three times global annual economic output - and firms...

A Russian plan on Debt

Izvestia: How writing off world debt helps Russia help its producers The Russian government plans to write off other countries’ debts by concluding export contracts...

ECB speculating against a member of the EU in Distress!

ECB made €7.8bn profits from Greek bond holdings by Mehreen Khan October 10, 2017 The European Central Bank has made nearly €8bn in profits from its holdings...

Greece has been robbed by IMF and eurozone’s failure to agree

By Mohamed A. El-Erian Published: June 22, 2017 Greece’s people have waited, and suffered, long enough, says Mohamed A. El-Erian ZURICH (Project Syndicate) — The International Monetary...

Aftermath of the French President’s visit to Athens

Visiting our country last week, Emmanuel Macron appeared to be a pleasant person in his encounters, cultivated and also proud of his knowledge of...

IMF Concedes: No Debt Relief for Greece

Economist Heiner Flassbeck describes how Germany's "shocking" position on no debt reduction of Greece's debt, even though its debt is completely unpayable May 28,...

German imperialism and the Greek debt crisis

By Fred Goldstein posted on March 4, 2015 For five years the European Central Bank, dominated by German finance capital, has engineered bailouts and imposed austerity...