Our citizens are dying and our hospitals overwhelmed. Either we respond with unwavering solidarity or our union fails, writes the Spanish prime minister
By Pedro...
Photo: Hermann Josef Abs signing the London agreement canceling German foreign debt on 27 February 1953.
By Eric Toussaint
Mar. 27, 2018
In 2020, the World Bank...
By Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos
Ambassador ad honorem
The Greek government announced measures this week to alleviate the plight of those Greeks who had been hit financially by...
por Eric Toussaint
27 de marzo 2018
En 2020, el Banco Mundial (BM) y el FMI cumplirán 76 años. Estas instituciones financieras internacionales (IFI), creadas en...
Push by Italy and Spain for new financial instruments faces resistance from Germany and the Netherlands.
By David M. Herszenhorn, Jacopo Barigazzi
and Rym Momtaz
The coronavirus pandemic has provoked a severe economic and social crisis, and a reckoning with capitalism’s unmanageability
By Radhika Desai
March 17, 2020
It is perhaps fitting...
by Michael Hudson
March 25, 2020
Even before the Covid-19 crisis has slashed stock prices nearly in half since it erupted in January, financial markets were...