Christopher Hitchens details his research on the war crimes of Henry Kissinger.
Hitchens details Kissinger's involvement in assassination, torture and mass murder in in Vietnam,...
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
The new General Secretary of the UN does nothing to stop the wars that are destroying Libya, Syria, Yemen or those threatening...
By William Mallinson*
With Britain, one of Cyprus’ so-called guarantor powers, leaving the EU, the neurotic speed and desperation to try to force yet another...
Par Bruno Drewski
A côté de l'opération détruire les Syriens, les Palestiniens, les Libanais, les Irakiens, les Yéménites, les Iraniens, les Ukrainiens, les Russes, les...
By William Mallinson *
The attempted cratocide of Cyprus continues unabated, with the island’s legal inhabitants watching, mesmerised, while their current leader is apparently coming...
Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
Global Research, 03 juillet 2017
Un coup d'État juridique et politique international se déroule de nos jours avec l'aide et la coopération de...
First published 12/8/2009
Martin Packard MBE explains his family and personal background as well as his motivation in providing a first hand historical record of...