Trump, the psychopath in the White House. The sites he wants...
In pictures: Iran's sites of cultural importance
6 January 2020
Following the assassination of Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani, US President Donald Trump has threatened to...
Trump threatens to destroy Important Iranian cultural sites
Trump's Latest Iran Tweet Slammed as Threat 'To Commit War Crimes'
Biden, Warren, Ocasio-Cortez and others ripped into Trump for claiming the U.S. military would...
Ambassadors’ conference – Speech by M. Emmanuel Macron, President of the...
Paris, 27 August 2019
Prime Minister,
Members of Parliament,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Dear friends,
I was very hesitant to come and address you today. Nevertheless, I wanted to honour...
La guerre contre la culture israelienne et la fascisation du regime...
Miri Reguev met la culture au pas des « valeurs nationales »
J’ai a plusieurs occasions ecrit dans cette chronique sur notre ministre de la...
“Marx et le colonialisme”, par Rémy Herrera
26 septembre 2018
"Marx et le colonialisme", par Rémy Herrera from Les Films de l'An 2 on Vimeo.
Sir David Attenborough warns of ‘collapse of civilisations’ at COP24 summit
By Rachael Kennedy
Sir David Attenborough delivered a stern speech at the UN's climate change summit in Katowice, Poland, on Monday morning, warning of the...
Je n’aime pas les vieux
Par Patrice Perron
19 Octobre 2018
Cela pourrait être le titre d’une chanson déjantée, mais la réalité est moins drôle et plus réaliste. Il s’agit de...
Future of Western Democracy Being Played Out in Brazil
Stripped to its essence, the Brazilian presidential elections represent a direct clash between democracy and an early 21st Century neofascism, indeed between civilization and...
« Hollywar : Hollywood, arme de propagande massive » – 3...
Par Pascal Boniface
17 mai 2018
ierre Conesa, spécialiste des questions géopolitiques, a occupé différentes fonctions au ministère de la Défense. Il est maître de conférences...
Global civilisation to descend into ‘hell on earth’ unless we choose...
British energy pioneer warns of uncertain future while highlighting increasing probability of a ‘great transition’
By Nafeez Ahmed
Jun 5, 2018
Published by INSURGE intelligence, a crowdfunded...