Tuesday, 4 March , 2025

Cultural Revolution

Remembering Jan Myrdal, Who Stubbornly Refused to Change Ideological Leanings

Remembering Jan Myrdal, Who Stubbornly Refused to Change Ideological Leanings Bz Rajesh Joshi Nov. 27, 2020 When Swedish writer and Marxist intellectual Jan Myrdal died last month...

Tariq Ali on Lenin, Engels, Palestinians and Nasser

Talking Lenin with Tariq Ali – I Raza Naeem sat down with one of the most influential leftists of our world today to discuss politics,...

The Strikes in France

by Bruno Drweski Railway workers and urban transport workers are tired of a month and a half of strike action, but for the moment and...

Les grèves en France

par Bruno Drweski Les cheminots et transports urbains sont fatigués par un mois et demi de grève, mais, pour le moment et face à l'intransigeance...

Hommage à Alan Roberts 1925-2017

Par Hall Greenland Ouvrier d’usine, puis Professeur de physique, et devenu un pionnier de l’écologie, Alan Roberts au retour de la deuxième guerre mondiale a...

Physics teacher became a pioneer ecologist

Factory worker Alan Roberts returned from war service to gain a degree in physics. While teaching at Monash his passionate opposition to nuclear power...

How Xi Jinping’s presidency was shaped by traumas of Mao and...

Centrist approach to reform of China’s society and party comes from study of where two communist leaders went wrong By Simon Denyer Friday 6 March 2015 To...