Dems are calling for US to declare war, militarize fight against outbreak
Posted on March 16, 2020egories Tags
With many politicians long seeing the military...
March 14, 2020
La propagation du coronavirus est un scénario jamais vu auparavant. Bien que certains gouvernements continuent de sous-estimer la gravité de la menace...
Yaak Pabst interviews Monthly Review Press author Rob Wallace about the coronavirus pandemic
by Rob Wallace
Mar 12, 2020
Originally published: Marx21
Editors note: The present version contains...
UK may put all citizens over 70 into isolation for MONTHS as coronavirus spreads across the country
15 Mar, 2020
UK’s Health Secretary confirmed plans to...
Chinese officials have reported a gradual decline in numbers of the infected, and in the death toll as well, amid the COVID-2019 pandemic. Despite...
A nasty virus, a slow response, ill-conceived economic policies, an irresponsible price war – all contribute to a fear-driven market collapse, argues ZOLTAN ZIGEDY
Scott Z. Burns on why the coronavirus pandemic is better—and worse—than the one he imagined.
By Sam Adams
March 11, 2020
As the coronavirus pandemic spreads...