Par Ibrahima SENE
Le 21 mars 2020, Éric Delaporte, médecin au service des maladies infectieuses et tropicales du centre hospitalier de Montpellier, adéclaré " qu'...
L’Afrique comptait, ce lundi 23 mars, 1 396 cas confirmés de coronavirus, selon les Nations unies. Le Covid-19 a déjà coûté la vie à 40 personnes sur le...
France, Italy, Spain in bid to nationalize businesses, hospitals as virus hits
Mar 17, 2020
France stands ready to nationalize large companies "if necessary" to protect...
By Rob Merrick
March 23, 2020
Food rationing must be introduced immediately to prevent the UK running short of fresh fruit and vegetables, three experts have...
Czechs send Italy replacement masks after seizing thousands sent from China
By Yaron Steinbuch
March 23, 2020
Amid accusations of stealing thousands of face masks that China...
21 mars 2020
Près de 230 médecins, infirmier.e.s., psychologues, réanimateurs, enseignant.e.s, comé,, artistes, chercheuses, scientifiques,, syndicalistes, éditeurs, libraires et autres personnalités appellent...
22 Mar, 2020
By Robert Barnes, American constitutional lawyer representing high-profile clients in civil and criminal trials, and known for his prescient political prognostications in...