Tuesday, 25 February , 2025


We have to wake up: Factory farms are breeding grounds for...

Covid-19’s history is not yet fully known, but the links between animal and human health could not be clearer By Jonathan Safran Foer and Aaron...

Cuba face au coronavirus, dans l’île et dans le monde

April 5, 2020 Cuba est un archipel de presque 12 millions d’habitants, niché au sein d’un espace géopolitique complexe. À l’occasion de la crise du Covid-19,...

Nous accusons encore

Par Badia Benjelloun 14 avril 2020 A ce jour, 132 591 cas de COVID-19 ont été recensés en France où  333 807 tests ont été pratiqués....

GRILA comments on the Coronavirus pandemic, THE CONDITION OF THE CONTINENT...

Apr. 20 2020 This observation and the views that follow, addressed primarily to Pan-Africanists, are intended to outline our present condition and inspire political...

Une amie nous raconte son expérience du Coronavirus

Le17 mars c'est là que je suis tombée malade du putain de coronavirus. Ca se présentait comme une grippe au départ, mais très vite...

Lying the foundations of a Totalitarian Dictatorship

Papers, please! Covid-19 ‘immunity cards’ may be required of Americans, Fauci says 10 Apr, 2020 Dr Anthony Fauci says US citizens may have to carry ‘cards’...

Observations du GRILA sur la pandémie du Coronavirus LA CONDITION DU...

20 Avr. 2020 L’objet de ce constat et de l’avis qui suit, qui s’adresse prioritairement aux panafricain-es, est de dresser un portrait de...

How Greece is beating coronavirus despite a decade of debt

Country’s hospitals bore brunt of cuts but its efforts to contain Covid-19 appear to be paying off By Helena Smith Tue 14 Apr 2020 Every day...

Some Countries Are Better Armored for Epidemics Than Others

European economies that depend on tourism, small businesses and supply chains may suffer the most. At the other end may be Estonia. By Jack...

Mauro Ferrari cites ‘internal political thunderstorm’ in response to his proposals.

By Laura Greenhalgh 4/8/20 The president of the EU’s top science funding agency stepped down Tuesday, issuing a damning indictment of the bloc’s response to...