Tuesday, 25 February , 2025


The Media Sabotage of Hydroxychloroquine Use for COVID-19: Doctors Worldwide Protest...

Media and Big Pharma are in lockstep to suppress a cheap, life-saving Covid-19 therapy in order to reap pandemic-sized profits By Elizabeth Woodworth Global Research, June...

Sharp rise in new coronavirus cases in US south and west

By Bryan Dyne 18 June 2020 Six weeks after the Trump administration declared that it had successfully “flattened the curve” and told states to begin...


El análisis de James Petras en CX36 desde Estados Unidos, 15 de junio de 2020  “Estados Unidos está tratando de provocar un golpe y utilizar...

6% of Confirmed Coronavirus-19 Cases End in Death

By Eric Zuesse June 6, 2020 As of the end of the day on May 28th (start of May 29th), there had been a global...

India’s Kerala Is Combating COVID-19 Through Participatory Governance

By Yadul Krishna May 28, 2020 The left-ruled Indian State of Kerala continues to remain in the global spotlight for its effective and efficient measures in...

No to the reopening of schools! Build action committees to safeguard...

Statement by the Socialist Equality Party (UK) 30 May 2020 The Socialist Equality Party opposes the Conservative government’s plan to reopen primary schools from June...

Brazil’s Reckless COVID Response Threatens Indigenous Survival

May 26, 2020 As Brazil sees more than 800 deaths in 24 hours and nearly 400,000 confirmed cases, we look at COVID-19’s devastating impact on...

More than 40 million people have now filed for unemployment benefits...

Americans are scared about what will happen if pandemic relief is not renewed. May 28, 2020 The multitrillion-dollar patchwork of federal and state relief programs has...

The Big Failure of Small Government

It is no coincidence that countries with mission-driven governments have fared better in the COVID-19 crisis than have countries beholden to the cult of...

The human toll of COVID-19 in Brazil

The corona crisis has also brought to the forefront the crisis in Brazil’s healthcare system. The Sistema Único de Saúde – SUS -, Brazil’s...