Saturday, 21 September , 2024


Vaccine Apartheid: If One Person Is Unprotected, We Are All Unprotected

By Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan February 25, 2021 “I’ve personally received more doses of a Covid-19 vaccine than 130 countries,” Dr. Craig Spencer writes, about...

Quand virus varie

Par Badia Benjelloun Précautions La précipitation du gouvernement et de l’Autorité de réglementation du médicament et des produits de santé (MHRA) britanniques à autoriser la vaccination...

Anti-vax at the Vatican? You might lose your job

By NICOLE WINFIELD Feb. 18, 2021 ROME (AP) — The Vatican is taking Pope Francis’ pro-vaccine stance very seriously: Any Vatican employee who refuses to get...

Vivre avec le virus ou tenter de s’en débarrasser ? La...

De nombreux chercheurs défendent l'idée d'un confinement immédiat, sans attendre une possible saturation des hôpitaux. Cette mesure de courte durée permettrait de réduire le nombre...

Comment les cabinets de conseil comme McKinsey ont conquis la France

Ces cabinets sont aujourd’hui embauchés sur de mutiples sujets, allant de la vaccination à la lutte contre le changement climatique By Elisa Braun and Paul...

How consultants like McKinsey took over France

Private companies now involved in everything from country’s vaccine rollout to combating climate change By Elisa Braun and Paul de Villepin February 8, 2021 This article is...

Israel’s ‘fake news war room’ set up to tackle vaccine disinformation...

14 Feb, 2021 As Israel’s record-setting inoculation drive slows down, it has set up a special unit to combat ‘fake news’ about coronavirus vaccines, but...

Israel’s largest HMO finds vaccines 92% effective in preventing serious illness

Clalit survey of 1.2 million Israelis, half of them immunized, finds that shots drive down symptomatic COVID by 94% Feb.14, 2021 A massive study by Israel’s...

Old hatreds fuel online misinformation about COVID-19 in South Asia

By Kamya Yadav, Isra Thange, Julia Ilhardt, Samikshya Siwakoti, Jacob N. Shapiro November 25, 2020 photo: Credit: ChocolateLr18. CC BY-SA 4.0. Since COVID-19 spread to South Asia,...

Misinformation market: The money-making tools Facebook hands to Covid cranks

31.01.21 The video opens with a question: “Could this be bio-terrorism?” Talking directly into the camera, the unshaven young man continues in a sarcastic American drawl:...