Saturday, 21 September , 2024


Israel inks deal with Pfizer for millions of COVID vaccine doses...

19 April 2021 Israel has signed an agreement with Pfizer for the purchase of millions of coronavirus vaccine doses for 2022. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and...

Quelle sortie de la crise pour la Russie? | par Jacques...

11 Avril.2021 Il se confirme désormais que la Russie est sortie relativement épargnée de la crise provoquée par la Covid-19. La récession y a été...

Covid: UK vaccine rollout ‘breaking link’ between infections and death

By Rachel Schraer 8 April 2021 Increasingly strong evidence shows that the UK's vaccination programme is breaking the link between Covid-19 cases and deaths, scientists tracking...

Americans are destroying European relations with Russia

Russia tells 20 Czech diplomats to leave by Monday night in response to Prague’s expulsions 18 Apr, 2021 Twenty Czech diplomats have been declared personae non-gratae...

Neo-colonialism, White Supremacy and the Challenge of China

By Franklin Frederick The European race has received from heaven, or acquired by its own efforts, such an unquestionable superiority over all the other races...

How Taiwan triumphed over Covid as the UK faltered

Taipei’s success shows lives might have been saved had the UK government acted differently by Emma Graham-Harrison and Helen Davidson Mar. 24, 2021 Along central Taipei’s busy...

‘A tsunami of cases’: desperation as Covid second wave batters India

Doctors speak of a new variant of the virus that appears to be spreading faster than ever before By Hannah Ellis-Petersen in Delhi 14 Apr 2021 Dr...

Dexit is the new Brexit as AfD bids to take Germany...

Apr. 12, 2021 Right-wing party Alternative for Germany (AfD) will contest elections later this year on an anti-EU, anti-lockdown and anti-immigration platform. The so-called "Dexit" policy...

Bolsonaro a ‘Threat to the Planet,’ Says Lula as Brazil’s Daily...

"Unfortunately, our country is today considered a global threat, due to the uncontrolled circulation of the virus and the emergence of new mutations." by Jake...

Quel avenir pour la gauche anglaise ?

Par Richard Seymour Richard Seymor : Ecrivain et conférencier marxiste nord-irlandais, activiste et auteur du blog Lenin’s Tomb Que faire avec une défaite aussi écrasante qu’indiscutable ? L’échec...