Sunday, 9 March , 2025

Corbyn Jeremy

After the EU……what?

“To be or not to be?”, was the question that tortured Hamlet. “To be or not to be in Europe?” is the question the British put to themselves time and time again, usually only to avoid giving an unambiguous answer. For the French writer Andre Maurois, England is a country “alone but not isolated” (insulaire mais pas isolée

Immigrants, Brexit and Corbyn

Ever since members of the Transport and General Workers Union marched in support of Enoch Powell’s racist attack on BME British citizens in 1968, the question of immigration has been difficult to the point of toxicity for Labour.

Appeal of the British Left Unity to the European Left

As the British referendum campaign on EU membership enters its final days, the tension and anger is palpable. Traditional fault lines in politics are...

Corbyn on EU and TTIP

This is the speech entitled The EU referendum is era-defining moment for workers’ rights given by Jeremy Corbyn at the Institute of Engineering Technology...

Britain: Blairite attacks backfire as Corbyn’s popularity increases

By Adam Booth, Hackney North and Stoke Newington CLP Despite facing a barrage of attacks since his election as Labour leader last September, Jeremy Corbyn’s...

Ken Loach on Brexit, Corbyn and EU

Ken Loach at the press conference for his new film “I, Daniel Blake” spoke about the neoliberal EU, the dangers of Brexit and the...

Britain on the brink – part two

In this second part of this very interesting article on Britain written by the British Marxists of Socialist Appeal, the polarized situation, which is...

Germany rings the bell

The results of the German regional elections represent a serious setback for Angela Merkel, but also a defeat for the German Left. The rightist Alternative for Germany...

Corbyn, Brexit and the politics of the radical left

Τhe election of Jeremy Corbyn as head of the British Labour Party has confirmed the existence now of a deep movement of "radicalism" inside...

The Debate in British Parliament on Brexit including the intervention of...

The Debate in British Parliament on Brexit including the intervention of Jeremy Corbyn   (18m 11s – 27m 14s)