Monday, 10 March , 2025

Corbyn Jeremy

Paralysis of the Will – By Boris Kagarlitsky

The Convention of the US Democratic Party in Philadelphia ended with a big schism. And this schism divides not only the supporters of Hillary Clinton and her opponents but also Bernie Sanders and the movement that he led and symbolized until just a few days ago.

Corbyn in Manchester: ‘Politics is changing

Between 1,700 and 1,800 people packed into Salford’s Lowry theatre after the event was announced earlier this week. It dwarfed the much smaller campaign meeting that Corbyn’s rival Owen Smith held in Manchester’s Friend’s House yesterday. The size of the rally reflected the huge support Corbyn has among Labour members and supporters. Corbyn said mobilising that support was the key to winning Labour’s leadership election—and winning change.

The Labour party executive has just HANDED Corbyn the leadership election

By Steve Topple In a secret ballot this afternoon, Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC) voted to allow the party’s leader, Jeremy Corbyn, to go onto the...

We can’t leave the negotiations with Europe to the Tories, by...

What’s needed instead is leadership and a clear strategy. We must respect the democratic decision of the British people – and negotiate a new relationship with the EU: one that protects jobs, living standards and workers’ rights – and also ensures we have the freedom to reshape a 21st century economy for all our people.

Jeremy Corbyn on the Chilcot Report

Before addressing the issues raised in the Iraq Inquiry report, I would like to remember and honour the 179 British servicemen and women killed...

Jeremy Corbyn: The first western statesman to apologize for...

That apology is owed to the people of Iraq, the families of those soldiers who died in Iraq or who have returned home injured or incapacitated, and to the millions of British citizens who feel our democracy was traduced and undermined when the decision to go to war was made

The Labour coup knows it’s finished

The support has come from all angles – in the form of a 10,000 strong last minute demonstration, a petitionthat has skyrocketed to nearly 260,000 signatures, and a Labour membership increase of a whopping60,000. New members are not asked whether they support the present leader, but The Independent reports:

The elites hate Corbynites – and I’ll tell you why

By David Graeber As the rolling catastrophe of what’s already being called the “chicken coup” against the Labour leadership winds down, pretty much all the commentary has focused on the personal qualities, real or imagined, of the principal players.

The real reason the permanent political class is trying to topple...

The reason Labour had a new leadership election process last time round, was the result of the parliamentary Labour Party and the NEC long term efforts to diminish the power of Trade Unions. By widening the vote to Labour voters, and quieting the voice of Trade Unions, the Blairite factions of the party gambled on those new voters being to the right of the Unions.

War against British! Reversing the referendum and overthrowing Corbyn

The attempted putsch against Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn is being mounted by a right-wing cabal, working in intimate collusion with the security services in Britain and the United States. Its main propaganda organ is theGuardian newspaper. The aim is to overturn the result of the June 23 referendum and ensure British membership of the European Union