Corbyn Jeremy
Complete the Corbyn revolution!
Without the purge and dirty tricks campaign waged by Labour HQ against Corbyn supporters, his margin of victory would be even bigger. He has faced an absolute barrage from the right wing and their media. They have thrown everything against him, bar the kitchen sink. First of all, our right-wing “democrats” tried to keep him off the ballot paper, but failed. Then they
A One-Sided Petty Purge
So was the use of the word “traitor” when directed at Corbyn supporters, when it was specifically singled out as unacceptable if used against his enemies; and while calling a rightwinger a “Blairite” was apparently bullying, railing at “commies” and “Trots” on the left was not.
Corbyn’s election – a historic triumph
“The media and many of us, simply didn’t understand the views of young people in our country. They were turned off by the way politics was being conducted. We have to and must change that. The fightback gathers speed and gathers pace,” he said
A Long Way to Go by Jeremy Corbyn
In November 2015, Socialist Register co-editor Leo Panitch and Red Pepper’s Hilary Wainwright spoke with Corbyn on a train to London from Birmingham where he had been meeting with union shop stewards. They discussed what the leader has accomplished so far and the challenges ahead.
Labour’s Witch Hunt
A specter is haunting the British Labour Party — the specter of Trotskyism. All the powers of the old party leadership have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this specter: deputy leaders and general secretaries, Blairites and Brownites, the soft left and the hard right.
Smith: Corbyn Deserved Longer As Leader Before Coup
OWEN SMITH began laying the ground for a likely defeat in the Labour leadership election yesterday after claiming he did not want to challenge Jeremy Corbyn. Angela Eagle triggered the contest before the Pontypridd MP elbowed her out of the way to clear the path for a head-to-head with Mr Corbyn.
Left debates post-Brexit
There are many aspects of life in Britain that those who voted leave hope will improve with Brexit. On holiday in Suffolk this summer (where 60% voted leave) my wife Kate and I were surprised to be told by the skipper on a coastal boat trip that Brussels was responsible for problems facing the Avocet population on Orford Ness: in a fit of ecological correctness gone
Rebirth of the Real Left: is Third-Way Politics Finally Dead?
The persistent unpopularity of France’s socialist leaders is not a national exception attributable to poor employment figures or the renunciation of the left’s main ideas. The US and most other European countries have also witnessed the end of the ideological cycle of the “third way”, personified 20 years ago by Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Felipe González,
Corbyn Must Win Again But It Is Just The Start
The astonishingly draconian steps the party machine has taken to reduce the chance of Corbyn winning are another warning sign. Disenfranchising 130,000 members and purging people left, right and centre — including the general secretary of an affiliated union — is not the behaviour of an establishment that cares about playing fair.
They will do everything against Corbyn!
The real reason for the ludicrous attacks on Corbyn is that the right know they’re losing, says Nick Clark Leading Labour Party figures stepped up their attack on their own membership last week in a bid to rig the leadership election against Jeremy Corbyn. Labour’s general secretary Iain McNicol emailed the party’s national executive committee