January 14, 2019
Historian and U.K. analyst Mark Curtis checks out the Twitter accounts of journalists whose names have been associated with the Integrity Initiative,...
06 February 2019
Alex Callinicos provided a thoughtful analysis of the withdrawal agreement between the EU and the UK government, its possible international repercussions and...
January 17, 2019
JEREMY CORBYN condemned Theresa May’s offer of cross-party Brexit talks as a “stunt” today and refused to engage with her until she...
A left government cannot hope to succeed through British isolationism, writes Hilary Wainwright. It must make a new kind of pan-European alliance
November 6, 2018
In an...
December 15, 2018
The British government financed Integrity Initiative is tasked with spreading anti-Russian propaganda and thereby with influencing the public, military and governments of...