Monday, 10 March , 2025

Corbyn Jeremy

Ken Loach on Workers and Capitalism, Brexit and Corbyn

Ken Loach: "They want the poor to believe that they are without power" ORIGINAL FRENCH ARTICLE: Ken Loach : « Ils veulent faire croire aux pauvres...

Trump: Stop Jeremy Corbyn!

Trump says Johnson and Farage could form 'unstoppable force' October 31, 2019 Trump criticises Corbyn as Labour launches election campaign | Brexit Oct. 31, 2019

A more critical view on Corbyn and the Labour

Tony Blair and the Blairites: The neoliberal tribute band who still have the Labour Party dancing to their tune By Neil Clark  29 Oct, 2019 By failing...

“Civil war” in Europe

‘Xenophobic bile’: Social media erupts after Brexit group takes aim at Merkel’s Germany with war rhetoric 8 Oct, 2019, the official campaign group that supports the...

Jeremy Corbyn draws battle lines for a future election in fiery...

10/09/2019 Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn hit out at the "born-to-rule establishment" and Boris Johnson in a fiery speech to trade unions in Brighton that laid...

Crosscurrents – Corbyn, Labour and the Brexit Crisis

By Daniel Finn Since 2015, the British Labour Party has stood apart from the wider picture of Europe’s centre left. Under a leadership derided from...

‘Chaos unseen since WWII’: UK parliament subverts democracy, leaves pre-Brexit Britain...

3 Sep, 2019 The Parliament’s vote to open debate on a motion blocking a no-deal Brexit leaves the UK in a state of chaos not...

In playing hardball, Boris Johnson may be underrating his rivals

Brexit and election threats mean the only certainty for the prime minister is uncertainty By Heather Stewart 3 Sep 2019 Boris “I don’t want an election, you...

‘Stop the Coup, Defend Democracy’, Thousands Shout in the UK

31 August 2019 British citizens rejected the closure of Parliament, which they consider Boris Johnson's maneuver to force a "Hard Brexit" on October 31. In response...

If Politicians Can’t Face Climate Change, Extinction Rebellion Will

by David Graeber 21 May 2019 A new movement is demanding solutions. They may just be in time to save the planet. On April 15, thousands...