Saturday, 1 March , 2025

Communist Party

Contre l’islamophobie en France: il est temps de prendre conscience de...

Plus de 70 élus municipaux alertent contre les dérives « racistes, anticonstitutionnelles et contre-productives » des actions menées par le gouvernement français. « Si...

Αuthoritarian shift in the EU: Poland prepares to ban the CΡ

The Polish Minister of Justice Zbigniew "Zero" Ziobro filed a motion to remove the Polish Communist Party (Komunistyczna Partia Polski) from the official party...

India’s Kerala Is Combating COVID-19 Through Participatory Governance

By Yadul Krishna May 28, 2020 The left-ruled Indian State of Kerala continues to remain in the global spotlight for its effective and efficient measures in...

A Southern Vanguard

The lost history of communism below the Mason-Dixon line. By Robert Greene II June 15/22, 2020, Issue photo: A Southern Tenant Farmers Union meeting in Arkansas, 1937....

Greece – the clearance sale of military bases to the United...

The United States have profited cleverly from Greece’s financial problems in order to force them to sign a contract which would enable the USA...

The Left in India is fighting a battle for Democracy: Kavita...

Interview with Kavita Krishnan, Politburo member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation, to talk about various issues that are at the heart...

Russian physicist and Nobel laureate Zhores Alferov dies at 88

Mar. 2, 2019 Russian scientist Zhores Alferov, who won the 2000 Nobel prize in physics, has died at the age of 88 in St Petersburg,...

The inforcement agencies came with a search to the leader of...

May 8, 2018 On eve of the victory day, the inforcement agencies came with a search to the leader of the CPU Petro Simonenko Today, on...

No party, no socialism

June 3, 2005 The right wing has attacked historian Moshe Lewin’s new book, “The Soviet Century,” which covers the Soviet Union from the early 1920s...

Lula, Brazil Elections and the Left

By teleSUR 24 January 2018 TeleSUR speaks to Sabrina Fernandes, a professor and researcher at the University of Brasilia. In an exclusive interview with teleSUR, Brazilian professor...