Sunday, 23 February , 2025


Belgians want statue of genocidal King Leopold II removed

Jun 04, 2020 Inspired by global protests at the death of unarmed black American George Floyd, some 30,000 people in Belgium have signed two petitions...

India tells Oxford museum to hand over ‘stolen’ 15th-century bronze idol

21 Feb, 2020 The Indian government has requested that the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford return their “stolen” 15th-century bronze sculpture, which was apparently removed from...

Acropolis and the British “cultural” piracy

Did England commit fraud to keep the Parthenon Sculptures? 2/27/2020 For the last two centuries, the British Museum in London has claimed ownership of the...

New French – Israeli colonialism in Africa

'Great Game' in Sahel: Europe Forms New Task Force, US Eyes Drawdown, Terrorists Team Up 04.04.2020 MOSCOW (Sputnik) - As European countries agree to set up...

Pharmaceutical colonialism in Africa

Big drug companies are conducting clinical trials in Africa with no consideration for ethics, the health of patients or the relevance of the drugs...

UK more nostalgic for empire than other ex-colonial powers

A YouGov poll reveals 30% of Britons believe colonies were better off as part of the British Empire By Robert Booth Social 11 Mar...

L’Afrique, cobaye de Big Pharma

Attirés par la faiblesse des coûts et des contrôles, les laboratoires pharmaceutiques testent leurs produits en Afrique, au mépris de la sécurité des patients....

5 of the worst atrocities carried out by the British Empire

A YouGov poll found 43 per cent of Brits thought the British Empire was a good thing, while 44 per cent were proud of...

Sur Samir Amin, le Pan-africanisme et la Mondialisation

SOIR D'INFO - Français - Invité : AZIZ SALMONE FALL - Pr : PAPE DJIBRIL FALL 11 Février 2020

LETTRE internationale – fermeture des archives

Au Secrétariat Général de la Défense et de la Sécurité Nationale, Au Ministère de la Culture,  Chères Mesdames, Chers Messieurs,  Le 15 janvier 2020, le Service historique...