Wednesday, 29 January , 2025


Propagande contre le Venezuela

Par Romain Migus Le président français, Emmanuel Macron, ordonne á Nicolas Maduro de ne pas réprimer l’opposition MAIS IL OUBLIE les 3.300 arrestations et les 2000 blessés...

Bolton’s ‘Troika of Tyranny’ Points to Imminent Regime Change for Nicaragua

03.11.2018 The recent speech in which US National Security Advisor John Bolton referred to Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela as the "troika of tyranny" cements the...

La voix dissonante du Forum de São Paulo

Par Maurice Lemoine 27 juillet 2018 La 24e édition du Forum de São Paulo (FSP), rencontre qui rassemble les partis et mouvements progressistes de l’Amérique latine...

Trump, Soros and the plan to invade Venezuela: Opponents or two...

Trump’s Regime Change: Soros-style Wayne Madsen 05.07.2018 To listen to Donald Trump and his supporters, billionaire international hedge fund mogul George Soros was an inherent part of...

Elecciones en Colombia: “Es un gran retroceso con pocos pasos positivos...

El informe de James Petras, 18 de junio de 2018. El sociólogo norteamericano James Petras en su contacto semanal con CX36 se refirió a las...

Fallout from Colombia’s New Association with NATO

by W. T. Whitney June 6, 2018 It was no surprise. Already Colombia had sent personnel to military training schools in Germany and Rome and troops...

Two-Thirds of Human Rights Defenders Killed in 2017 Were From Latin...

Source: Telesur The Dawn News January 22, 2018 Most of the killings in Latin America took place in Colombia, Brazil, Mexico and Honduras, according to the report. Of...

More US Troops in Latin America: Signs of an Invasion Foretold?

By Martín Pastor Source: Rebelión / October 23, 2017 Recent military exercises in Amazonia shed light on the renewed US presence in Latin America. The US army...

Colombia: Farc transforms itself into a political party

COLOMBIA’S communist army the Farc relaunched itself as a political party yesterday at a concert for “reconciliation and peace” in Bolivar Square, Bogota. The guerilla...

“We’ve found our new Iraq – it’s Venezuela”: Julian Assange

Source: L’Antidiplomatico / The Dawn News / August 6, 2017 The Australian journalist affirmed that the united States have found a new Iraq in Venezuela,...